Yesterday I met with Fife Alcohol Support Service (FASS) at their offices in Kirkcaldy to discuss the work they carry out throughout the Kingdom in offering free and confidential advice and counselling for those who either have, or are affected by those with, alcohol problems.
Alcohol related problems can strike anyone regardless of age, sex, or social status. It is therefore important that there are organisations such as Fife Alcohol Support Service available to offer free and confidential advice.
With the recent statistics showing that alcohol sales in Scotland were 19% higher than in England and Wales for the past year we run the serious risk of alcohol related illnesses substantially increasing and a significant burden being placed on our NHS system.
The meeting, which took place with Jim Bett the Service Manager and John Hamilton the Chairman, focussed on the funding and running of the services provided by the organisation. These services include ADAPT their confidential drop-in service and their Alcohol Diversion Scheme which is an early intervention scheme aimed at addressing binge drinking and associated anti-social behaviour.
Alcohol is easily accessible and socially acceptable and whilst it can be enjoyed in a moderate manner we must ensure that it is not being abused and posing serious health risks to heavy drinkers and those around them.
The organisation, which began in 1977 under the name Fife Alcohol Advisory Council, offers counselling, an educational service, and assessment through a mixture of both paid staff and volunteers.
FASS operates through its outreach services, which are out of hours and available in Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline, St Andrews and Glenrothes and also through its primary care services which is integrated with the National Health Service in Fife.
If you do feel that you, or someone you know, is drinking too much or would just like further information then I would urge you to contact FASS who will be able to assist.
Jim, John and their staff deserve the recognition of helping those throughout the Kingdom in dealing with issues around alcohol.