Fife in the red

Yesterday in Parliament I met with StepChange Debt Charity as they launched their Scotland in the Red research report. The report found that Scotland has the highest volume of payday lending among Stepchange Debt Charity clients in the UK. It shows that over 10% of total client debt in Scotland was the result of payday loans, and almost 20% of clients had at least one payday loan.

In Fife, Cowdenbeath and Dunfermline’s average debt was much higher than the Scottish average by £6,778 and £1,700 respectively. Both areas also join with North East Fife in having an above average payday loan debt. Kirkcaldy is also a cause for concern with more people there taking out a pay day loan than average across Scotland.

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National Parks: Unfinished Business

Yesterday in Parliament I held a debate on National Parks in Scotland following a joint report by the Scottish Campaign for National Parks and the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland. The report, titled Unfinished Business: a National Parks Strategy for Scotland, rightly highlights that our landscapes in Scotland rank among the best in the world and that there should be a national strategy and a Scotland-wide debate on the way forward for national parks.

The establishment of national parks in Scotland was one of the early achievements of the Scottish Parliament and the Labour led Government with the legislation being steered through by my colleague Sarah Boyack. Our experience of existing national parks shows that they can bring a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits. Continue reading

Claire backs Usdaw’s calls for shoppers to ‘keep your cool’

Today in Parliament I joined with members of the retail union Usdaw to campaign for respect for shop workers as part of the Freedom From Fear Campaign, which seeks to prevent violence, threats and abuse directed at retail staff.

Too often retail employees are confronted with violence, threats and abuse and it is really important that the people of Fife stand together and ask people to ‘keep their cool and respect shopworkers’. That is why I support Usdaw’s call for a change in the law to provide stiffer sentences for those who assault workers across the Kingdom.

Funding blow for NHS Fife

Today in Parliament I raised concerns about NHS Fife funding during General Questions. I raised the question following an Audit Scotland report which highlighted that NHS Fife are currently receiving less than their target funding, four years after a new funding formula was introduced. This report confirms what we have suspected all along, the NHS in Fife is facing pressures financially due to underfunding by the Scottish Government.

The report points out that NHS Fife currently receives funding below their National Resource Allocation Committee target, despite the Scottish Government first using the formula to allocate funds in 2009/10. The report claims that this brings forward uncertainty to the NHS boards’ planning as the Government has no specific timescales for achieving NRAC parity. Continue reading

Claire raises UGC fear in Parliament

I have raised concerns about underground coal gasification to the Energy Minister during General Questions in Parliament after Cluff Natural Resources brought forward proposals to extract coal beneath the Firth of Forth. 

I asked Fergus Ewing if he or the Scottish Government had met with the organisation owned by Algy Cluff and what matters were discussed, I followed on by raising concerns over the contamination of rising mining water if Cluff Natural Resources were to proceed with their licenses in Fife.

I also asked if the Minister was confident that there are significant and robust safeguards currently in place within the regulatory regime to ensure that the risk of contamination is minimised. Continue reading

Claire hosts Microchipping debate

The other week in Parliament I held a debate in the Scottish Parliament on the issue of compulsory microchipping for dogs after a recent poll from YouGov and Dogs trust found that 82% of Scottish adults agree with it’s introduction.

Whilst the vast majority of dog owners are responsible in their duties, we all see the effects of irresponsible dog ownership within our community, from dog fouling, strays or noise pollution. It is important that we instill a responsible approach to ownership to help address these issues. Continue reading

Wemyss Caves future raised in Parliament

Last week in Parliament I raised the future of Wemyss Caves during a debate on Scotland’s Historic Environment. During my speech I highlighted the challenges facing the caves, including coastal erosion, whilst praising the work of the Save Wemyss Caves Society. 

These caves should be recognised as being of national importance. The story that they tell enriches the history of Fife’s coast and the communities that settled and traded there. These carvings can also connect modern generations to history in a way that textbooks can’t and for that reason it is important that they aren’t lost to the local area. Continue reading

Pledge to End Blacklisting

Before recess I 
signed up to the campaign to end blacklisting throughout Scotland, particularly in the construction trade. The campaign from Unite the Union, calls for an end to what it describes as ‘arguably the worst human rights abuse against workers since the war’.

Blacklisting is the termination of workers employment for issues that are not directly related to their performance. Once sacked these names are added to a central list for potential employers to check against.

It’s Time – Equal Marriage

Last week the Scottish Government introduced their equal marriage bill to Parliament and we have already seen Equality Network launch their excellent video ‘Its Time’ in support of Equal Marriage.

Having signed Equality Network’s equal marriage pledge to “support the equal marriage campaign to lift the ban on same-sex marriage and mixed-sex civil partnership in Scotland’ I will be supporting the bill’s passage through Parliament. Continue reading